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General / Company

What is your phone number and operating hours?


 You can call us from Egypt from 10 AM to 9PM daily expect Friday at 22665954 OR 22675316 .

our hotline 01222143812 ,if you call from united state you can reach us at 347 673 2355

You can send an email at any time.   XEROX460@GMAIL.COM


File Preparation


Can I send you documents created in MS Word or PowerPoint?


Absolutely! If you have created documents in Word or PowerPoint that contain photos, clip-art, or other color images, send them in. Same great service, same great pricing. What other file formats can you take?We can take any Mac or PC version  CorelDRAW!, Illustrator, Photoshop, Freehand,  Word, PowerPoint, any file output as a PDF

. If you have other file formats, we may be able to handle them, too. Just ask!.


 What types of storage media do you accept?


We can take your files on a CD, DVD or flash drive. Where to send it



How well will my job match what I see on my monitor?


 Most people are surprised at how well their job matches what they see. But because of wide differences in monitor calibration and the different technologies used, some printed colors may not exactly match the colors on a your specific monitor. We do our best to make your job look good.



Do I need to impose my business cards 8-up or 10-up if they will be printed more than 1 to a sheet?


No, send us a single layout of your job unimposed, we will handle any imposition needed on our end. 



Do you have templates to help me correctly design my project?


Templates are available on some of the product ordering pages. Our Design Templates page has a list of currently available templates. Look for more in the near future. 






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